Who are we?

Who are we?

The Association of University and University Foundation Conference Offices (OCUE) is a non-profit-making body formed in 2011. It represents the departments of Spanish universities and Spanish university foundations in charge of managing events promoted by members of their respective scientific communities and of hosting events of all kinds held at the university.

The following institutions promoted the Association’s foundation:

•   The Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Chairman of the Association)
•   The Fundación Universidad de Oviedo (Secretary of the Association)
•   The Fundació General de la Universitat de les Illes Balears (Treasurer of the Association)
•   The Fundación General de la Universidad de León y de la Empresa (Committee member of the Association).



The Association’s statutes state that its main mission is to share knowhow and to exchange ideas and experiences regarding the organization of events and use of university facilities and services for this purpose and to help consolidate the role of universities as meetings points and forums for the organization of activities, raising a greater awareness of their existence and role in the meetings and events industry.

The Association also acts as a driving force in promoting innovation and exchanges of services among universities with a view to meeting both the mutual and individual interests of its members.

In 2006, the 1st Meeting of Spanish University Conference Offices was held in Barcelona. Since then, the members have met each year, invited by different universities (Oviedo, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Valencia, Alcalá and Granada). At the 2011 event, the Association’s first assembly was held, where an account was given of the process leading to its incorporation and the opportunity to join the Association was extended to other offices.

Any interested body that meets the requirements laid down in the STATUTES may apply to join the Association by filling in and sending the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM.

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